Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes, No, Erm, Huh

I am a very easygoing person. I am a person who can take “No” as an answer and move on.

One thing that exceeds my toleration is when it involves arrangement. and promises. I understand that plan sometimes don’t go as per what we have expected, but the only way to handle this situation is by being honest –throughout the time.

I was in a situation whereby I specifically asked the person to accompany me somewhere for something that is rather important. The person was notified way in advance.

Giving hope but not showing up is rude, and I specifically dislike an effortless note such as “Sorry I was busy” after keeping me puzzled for few hours.

I think it’s rather easy for us to take a moment, think about it, plan, and give a solid answer. Yes or No. If you can't promise, say so. If you are hooked up, tell me and apologise. Skip the erm, huh..


Image: www.istockphoto.com


Anonymous said...

awwww, poor baby..

hmmm, its ok.. next time take me togetha with u so that we can make sure we'll get lost togetha.. !


love u darls!

* liena *

Unknown said...

Haha.. i should. YEAH, i REALLY should!!!

it would be far more happening!

Lov yeah heaps!!

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