Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali Everyone!!

I had to be at ntv7 as early as 7.30am. Got something to do with The Breakfast Show. Since it’s public holiday, of course I dragged Fedo along. Haha..

It was nice to hang out with the cool and super happening Zaida. We were from the same Uni and now she is with ntv7. Natural for nice people, she and fedo got acquainted almost instantly.

Fedo & Zaida

We spent some time hanging out with Intan (Producer of TBS) and Jessica. As mentioned in my previous entry, hanging out with this people is always entertaining! She shared her valuable experience in the broadcasting arena.

Fooling around the set

Intan, Me & Jesicca

Intan, Me & Fedo.. Can we beat Daphne, Naz & Hansen?

The gorgeous and most hillarious Daphne Iking

From there, we headed to UiTM to pick up my brother’s computer (he’s going back for a semester break).

Got home approx 1pm. I was suppose to go open houses, but decided to take a short nap. Guess what? I woke up at 7pm! Haha

By the way, someone was on the cover of newspapers!



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