Friday, November 2, 2007



It was a totally busy day. I had 2 meetings in the morning. First was at Kelana Jaya. Second was with De KENNER, at Bangsar.

De KENNER is a boutique, and they are one of my favourite client.

I met Lydia Mattu, who won the “De KENNER Destination Design” competition. Now she is a full time designer at the boutique. She just completed her office wear collection.

Lydia Mattu

I met Mr Usama’s mum as well (Usama is the MD of De KENNER). She is also one of the designer there. I must say that her design are fabulous!

"Please don't take my picture"

Aunty showing something she had recently completed

I like this one. Simple and nice.

I rushed to Maxis over the lunch hour to settle my overdue bill.


Water Business!

Let’s talk about one of the most important consumer items — water, or more precisely bottled water (be it still, reverse osmosis or whatev...