Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's deadline!!!!!

20th - Is my deadline to submit my claims to the company. I have not been able to meet the deadline for 3 months. And our limit is 3 months claims.

So, i have to get it done today. And guess what? I got it done! (though i have to stay @ office till 8.30pm on Eid's eve)

This is what came out from my October's receipts bag. Yeah, you would have noticed, i have all sorts of junk in there as well. Vouchers, free tickets etc etc... Most of it went to the dustbin.

I do feel bad for not utilising all the free stuff i got. But when i look at my calender, there is no way in hell i could go enjoy every single thing. So, i don't feel that bad lah...

But, i could have passed it to people right? Dammit. I should start do that. From now on, if i can't use anything i got, i will pass it to friends, or whoever. I will!

All nicely done and submitted. Yeay!


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