Haha.. me and my close friends have this “annual celebration”. The idea was initiated and organised by me & Fedo. Basically it's a day for us close friends to gather and just have fun. This year, the theme was “Back to school”.
As the organizer, me & Fedo hold absolute rights to decide on the details. Our “AJK” was Mr Azli.
Ok, we decided on the theme sometime last year. And we (i mean everyone) were pretty much looking forward for it.
The invitation cards were created back in November 2007 and distribution begin in Dec 2007. I wanted to get it out early so that everyone is well prepared and able to block their schedule. (Trust me, these people are very hard to get!)
Ok, let’s look at the invitation card:
PrinceFedo School
Of Elite & Stars
Dear Mr/
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform that you have been accepted at PrinceFedo School of Elite & Stars.
You are duly required to register on Saturday, 22nd March 2008, 8pm at The Lanson Place, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Please RSVP by snail mail or muggle phone at +012.366.9745 / +012.679.4513 by 1st March 2008.
Please be advised that proper school attire should be appropriate for registration.
We very much look forward to receiving you as part of PrinceFedo School of Elite & Stars.
The Honorable Headmaster
PrinceFedo School of Elite & Stars
Please note:
Students are required to adhere to the following rules and regulations:
1.To be present on registration day at the specific time. No rain, hail nor shine should keep you excused.
2.To be present with complete school attire.
3.No parents/ siblings/ friend(s)/ partner(s) are allowed during the entire course of registration.
4.To follow every form of instructions from the head of students at every time.
Let's look at the actual invitation card:
Now let's look at the guests. Pics were taken during the distribution
My darlin Liena. We were classmates back at uni. Over the years, we discovered that we are each other's soulmate. After graduation, we started our career path at the same "company".
This is Nana. She was already working at "The Company" when we join. We click almost instantly.
To complete the story, Fedo came to "The Company" as an intern and contributed to the birth of "Four Crazy Friends".
This is Alin. She was Fedo's classmate who also went to a subsidiary of "The Company" for her internship. I only got to know her after we both left.
This is Friz. This guy, Fedo & Azli went to the same secondary school. They were best friends since forever. This guy and Izwan (pic not available) are the "Stars" in our click. They sing extremely well!
This is Is & Eliz. Together with Alin, this dude is basically Fedo's best friend. We (me and the rest) got to know him during his internship as well. I don't need to say where right?? haha... He started dating Eliz (who was working at the accounce department at "The Company") and they got married in 2006.
Some invitation cards were mailed, so, i dont have their pics.
I have to say sorry to Izwan, Hassan & Yanie because I couldn’t arrange to meet up with them to pass the cards. My fault.
Basically these people are my "Best good friends".
Note: To all my dear friends who reads my blog, please understand that this is a small scale party, and not entirely organised by me. I love you guys equally!
p/s: Look out for PART II tomorrow :)
1 comment:
eh? aku tak dapat pun invitation card tu? kau silap address eh? ;)
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