Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2008: Top 10 List

1. Moved to a new place

It was just next door but I needed a bigger and better space. The whole moving and decorating was exhausting but the result was truly satisfying. Me & Fedo decided with an “Art Gallery” theme. I am very pleased with the way it turn out. A simple cozy place that I can call home.

2. Worked with great clients

We handled few major PR campaign for many international brands. Dealing with international offices around the globe was amusing.

3. Holiday in Bangkok

It was what I needed. A break. Went for a crazy shopping spree and non stop entertainment.

4. Surprise Birthday Party

My friends were very sweet to hold a surprise belated birthday celebration for me. It was one of my fondest memories because everything was just so nice. The theme was somewhat funny, the surprise was somewhat confusing, but something genuinely sweet was the fact that they got everything I like. The food, the fruits, the people. It was perfect.

5. Appointed as the CEO of Reputation Mercatus Malaysia

I’m very blessed. Alhamdulillah

6. Planned my best friend's wedding

From the engagement, nikah and reception, I was in-charged for Zaf’s wedding. It was a great experience.

7. Met wonderful people

I met so many people I’ve lost count. Some of the coolest people I’ve met were:

8. Accomplish my target & great time with work

Target: *Private & Confidential*

9. Put on weight!

This is truly exciting. Finally I don’t hear “You’re too skinny” that much anymore.

See the difference?

10. Had many wonderful moments

Despite my crazy work schedule, I was able to spend some quality time with my family and friends.

2008 has been a GREAT year all around and I hope for nothing less in year 2009.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i got a shock when i saw the pic. lol! when was it taken??? :) anyhow, it was a very blessed year. and may the new year be better :) *hugs*

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