Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Brother's Convocation

My lil bro completed his degree in Mass Communication, majoring in Broadcasting. He went to the biggest and greatest University (i choose to call it this way) -Universiti Teknologi Mara.

When he was first accepted for a Diploma in Mass Comm, he wasn't that excited. At that point of time, he was very much interested in Engineering and Aviation. But i knew he would excel in Broadcasting. I guess i know my bro enough to tell him to stay on.

The following semester, he was exposed to Broadcasting subjects and his obsession with camera and photography became obvious. We knew he's on the right track.

He completed his Diploma, and continued with his Degree. He was pretty good, up to a point where he produced the entire video of my sister's wedding, which was not an easy task. 4 DVD of 4 different events. I know my comments are not valid, coz he is afterall my brother. But those who watched the video kept saying how good it was, and many have asked for his expertise!

He did his internship training at Media Prima and were offered to join 8TV upon completion.

Ok, back to the Convocation day.

Everyone, especially my parents were so proud. They came all the way from Kedah for the ceremony.

Proud sisters

This is our 3rd experience of convocation at UiTM and as usual, the Dewan Seri Budiman was packed. Parents were required to queue, and the session was way too long. My dad told me that one guy said "UiTM need a new course. Convocation Management". LOL!

Anyway, it was a good experience and we are all very proud of Azmir.

My niece attempting to do the "Rock On" sign

p/s: In my opinion, it's not necessary for you to go abroad to study. Local University are capable of providing quality education. You just need to put your heart in it.


Water Business!

Let’s talk about one of the most important consumer items — water, or more precisely bottled water (be it still, reverse osmosis or whatev...